2012-06-10 - MBT with Clair and Sophie


~2 miles @ ~11.5 min/mi

At Clair Sullivan's home after my 2012-06-10 - Metropolitan Branch Trail to Clair we get little daughter Sophie into her racing stroller and set off in a trot. The Garmin GPS trackfile shows the resulting out-and-back on the Metropolitan Branch Trail, our last chance to run together before Clair moves away to her new job, a professorship at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana.

A few minutes after we return to her home and part ways I hear a voice shout "Mark!" as I walk along R St NW in search of 7th Av to catch the #70 Metrobus home. It's Clair, still pushing Sophie in the pram. They're locked out: husband-daddy is apparently in the shower and doesn't hear their knocks and shouts. I return with C&S, who chat with me, use my phone to call home a few times, and eventually get in.

^z - 2012-07-09